🗝BIBLE PROPHECY UNFOLDING: Read Amos 8:11-12, Daniel 7:25, and 2 Thessalonians 2:8-11 ~ The strong delusion has arrived. Are you awake?
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Revelation 19:13 tells us that the NAME of JESUS CHRIST is the WORD OF GOD. He is eternal, unchanging and all powerful and His WORDS never fail, they are settled in heaven. What we are seeing is an assault against the printed and audible Bible and more.

How is this happening? CERN, DWAVE computing, and Quantum Computers – RESEARCH this! NO matter what mechanism, however, it is satanic, black magic.

The Name of Jesus Christ is The Word of God and he is unchanging and His Words are eternal. Forever settled in heaven. That said, there is an assault, a demonic inspired assault, against scripture. The Bride must wake up and defend the truth.

VIDEO: LIST OF BIBLE CHANGES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf-R1SAYkoU
📜OT: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3PTC_fgzSx2Tm80SHoxbG5WX0JsbU1BSmluTldZT1FXYjdN
📜NT: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3PTC_fgzSx2UXJJLXhzOV9QTFBrbVl5dDR4ZzFiUXloLWM4
📌REMNANT BIBLE – you need to download ADOBE to see changes!
LOGIN TO QUANTUM WARRIORS https://quantumwarriors.net/
🛎Once you create an account, SEARCH for the REMNANT BIBLE using SEARCH feature
📌CATEGORY BIBLE (Handwritten Bible verses from 1984 KJV – Some handwriting has changed already!
VIDEO: HANDWRITTEN, PRESERVED (?) KJV BIBLE VERSES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvbVLafzt2I

🏮DISCLAIMER: I have not personally reviewed all these documents to ensure accuracy. Please pray and ask the HOLY SPIRIT for wisdom and discernment.