em has made it back to trader joe’s and is eating all her previous words about it. chlo tries to get to the bottom of the blue man group’s whole deal. this episode also introduces two new weekly segments: “hot girls hot takes” & “what are you reading, idiot?”

0:00 on today’s ep…
0:45 spotify radios
3:00 day drinking
5:45 high school life
7:35 nails
9:40 dolphin fun facts pt 2
13:40 parent trap dilemma
15:00 back to Trader Joe’s
18:00 accepting the end of the world
20:03 blue man group
24:02 the Mandela effect
31:11 naming fascism summer
32:25 garbage trucks
36:36 severance innies
43:01 hot girls hot takes
50:11 what are you reading, idiot?
54:50 naming the presidents

🍒follow the hosts!
emily wilson: https://www.instagram.com/therealemilywilson
chloe richman: https://www.instagram.com/chlobroo

🧠follow the pod!
💙instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allbodynobrains
💙tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@allbodynobrains
💙apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/all-body-no-brains/id1705349174
💙spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/15bW8f0RGhSOLur7Jmg9sy?si=4f23da6a73494cad

🎥produced and edited by nicole lyons productions
🖤instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicoleclyons/
🖤website: www.nicolelyonsproductions.com

artwork by leigh mcgrath
artwork photo by dev bowman
styling by porchfinds
original music by elliot higgins

#allbodynobrains #comedy #podcast #newyork