www.realityshifters.com — Are Mandela Effects trying to tell us something? How can we hear the message?

When we start from the philosophical point of view that the Cosmos springs fundamentally from consciousness, we can then imagine that we might expect that we are in constant communication with All That Is.  This communication happens via our thoughts and feelings, which are constantly engaged in receiving answers to questions that we often don’t even realize that we have asked.  When we learn that we are constantly engaged in asking Nature questions, and that we are receiving answers in the form of events unfolding in our lives, we can bring this conversation out of the subconscious and into the light of conscious awareness.

This past month, I received a question from someone asking me if there might be a message in Reality Shifts and Mandela effects that can often seem quite random.  we sometimes notice things that disappear, and then show up again, or we might notice that they change their color.  This person asked me,
“Is that some kind of message from the universe?  
Because I cannot figure out the message when these things occur on a personal level.”

I love this question very much, because it gets to the core of this beautiful conversation that we can start to begin we are having with nature.  Sometimes we can immediately discern some kind of message from a reality shift or personal Mandela effect, and other times, it’s not quite so obvious.

Mandela Effect Dream Symbol Interpretation

One thing I recommend doing, is starting a practice of documenting and analyzing your dreams. The reason for this, is that it develops a mindset for interpreting real time symbolic conversation with the cosmos. While real-time symbolic conversation is the end goal, actually, it’s enough just to make progress in terms of recognizing the kind of symbolic conversation that we are constantly having with the world.  As I point out in my book, Reality Shifts, reality and life truly is like a dream.  Put another way, we can view it as being a simulation, where material things and events spring forth from hidden, unseen consciousness.   For this kind of dream analysis, I recommend doing our own dream symbol interpretation, rather than looking up dream symbols in dream symbol reference books. The reason for this, is that each one of us is very unique, with particular subjective meanings that likely don’t exactly match with anyone else.

You can start analyzing Mandela Effects by doing a dream analysis approach that includes the following four steps:  writing a descriptive narrative; listing relevant symbols; free-associating meanings for relevant symbols; and reconstructing a new symbolic narrative.  With practice, this process can become smooth and speedy.

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#consciousness #mandelaeffect #realityshifts #dream #dreaminterpretation #simulation