Interested in a more in-depth discussion please contact me anytime
808- 861- 3626
joeyjoey1021@g m a i l .c o m
tonymb86@g m a i l.c o m
joseph.rocha@c o m c a s t .n e t
Or the old fashioned way by snail mail!
Joseph Gabriel Rocha
9 Kaloaloa Way, Unit 8C
Wailuku HI 96793
For those of you that have been seeing my “debunking” videos I apologize if they offend you. Like I have said I do these to stimulate those on the fence about Mandela Effects to make them think and research for themselves. Once they do they recognize in-fact that the Mandela Effect IS real and this helps bring more affected into the community. I plan on releasing April Fools videos explaining my actions. I am Affected and am so confused and scared just like the rest of you. I am hopeful by “fake debunking” I can bring more people together and as a bigger and stronger community we can learn more about what is truly happening.
Keep researching, posting and talking about the Mandela Effect and lets all figure this out.