I must retract my previous video because during my family Bible reading this week I was very disturbed (to say the least) to see a real change in the KJV! I have a SPECIFIC MEMORY of an alternate reading!!!

I’m sorry everyone! Please watch this now! It’s EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!

PLEASE NOTE: This video is satirical in nature. It is intended to demonstrate how we can be deceived by our own minds if we choose to believe the diabolical lie of the Mandela Effect instead of God’s immutable word. It does not, nor is it intended to, degrade or mock anyone. If you care to verify this fact then watch the next video where I include myself as one who was temporarily disturbed by this fear. The right response to this video is THINK about the message and stop being offended that it contradicts your belief in the Mandela Effect.

To anyone who viewed this video without this warning and consequently felt hurt by the approach I offer my sincere apologies as that certainly was not the intent. At this time I will not be removing this video as I believe it to be effective in helping people who want to be free of the ME lie.