Get ready to be red-pilled! Mandela Effects are going crazy right now in 2022.
Watch my Top 10 Mandela effects that have affected me throughout the years since I started taking notice in 2016 and became a professional intuitive energy guide.
Much more than just “spirit orbs”, we have etheric visitors making appearances throughout this video too…
with a dramatic TEACHING MOMENT for us at the end at 11:17 from an Inter-dimensional
Entity! (Thanks Universe/Spirit/Entities for sharing!)
The entity illustrates the concept of awakening to multiple universes/timelines.
I felt love, hope and excitement during this video, with the feelings that I’m here in this timeline to help awaken humanity and help increase the vibrational frequency of
Earth and her inhabitants so we can exit the controlling matrix that we see as “reality.”
Mandela Effect Timestamps:
Intro: 00:00
Interdimensional visitor: 00:12
Berenst**n Bears: 00:32
Hitler’s Eyes: 01:53
Curious George: 02:58
Pepsi: 03:22
The Monopoly Man: 04:16
The Apple One: 04:39
Interdimensional Visitor: 05:13
The Darth Vader One: 05:21
We Are The Champions (of the world): 06:05
Kidney Location: 08:00
JFK Assassination: 08:17
Personal Ones: 08:42
Teachable Moment from inter-Dimensional Entity: 11:17
Quantum Intuitive Guide
🎶 Music by The Lulls – Light in the Fog –