Happy Thanxgiving! Mandela effects for tonight include house flies go dormant in your house and then wake up in the spring, horse lacing, monkey tails, orcas wear salmon hats, Apollo 10s ‘famous’ floating turds, bearded dragon appearance, Nubian pyramids upgrade, osmeterium, NO ONE was bald amongst Larry, Curly, and Moe, Green Acres was never black and white, red tail monkey, firebird Trans Am logo, tongue tattoos, helmet jellyfish, and more!. Covering newer and developing Mandela Effects along with general strangeness here on my channel Once Upon a Timeline. You can also find many of my videos on Odysee with my same channel name here: https://odysee.com/@OnceUponATimeline:a Find me there if our overlords at youtube find me in disfavor!