Errant Expo in San Diego on Oct 21, 2023 still has tickets and I’ll be there! Dani from Removing the Shackles ME channel is a scheduled speaker along with various famous alternative history peeps like Martin Liedtke and Max Igan. I’m not a speaker, I’ll just be in the audience somewhere, I just found out about it last week and I don’t know any of the speakers personally but it sounds like fun and at least most of these people seem to be pro mandela effect even though I’d guess the main talks will be about alternative history type stuff. Just thought I’d share. Be there or be square! ;-P

Anyway, Mandela effects for tonight include more purple/green/pink sand beaches, the year without summer, more floating islands, autonomous Jewish and other regions inside Russia, Russia is half Asia and half Europe, and more! Covering newer and evolving Mandela Effects, I usually do my livestream at the same time every week, Wednesday midnight pacific standard time. This channel is designed for believers in the Mandela Effect and will be moderated accordingly.

You can also find many of my videos on Odysee with my same channel name here: Find me there if our overlords at youtube find me in disfavor!