This for me and my wife is a massive new ME. I got an old video sent to my Youtube feed yesterday, I wasn’t going to watch it until something peculiar caught my eye…Lions, and Scarecrows, and Tinman oh my…so we’re off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Odds!
Also, I forgot to mention in my video that miss Garland now looks pretty chunky (thick legs and thick waist like she just gave birth) in the movie. This is not “fat shaming” as a former 300 pounder myself…just a very noticeable observation! if you have the movie watch it and you will (should, less your asleep) see what I mean.
I tried to add in pictures and other video clips to backup my claims, I am still trying to get the vlog thing figured out.
Google “cairn terrier toto” and look over all of the images, I remember him like these pretty babies here:
Not the scroungy yet still cute mut looking version here and in the movie:
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Scarecrow has a gun: