**No one really did it on the last one so I think people don’t actually look at these**
**This one’s kind of about hot girls which I imagine will get more clicks than any other topic…but just in case I put CLICK THIS really big on the thumbnail**
**I made it myself**
**Canva is really awesome**
**but like also… I feel like I’ve got an eye for this shit. I really wanted to change the color of CLICK THIS each time and I even put that little blue check mark next to my head so that you know that it’s like super official**
**even though it’s like self proclaimed cuz I legitimately cut it out and pasted it onto this thumbnail**
**I wanna rename these descriptions “The Chronicles of Thumbnail Creation”**
**It’s kinda like a diary that only I’ll read because nobody cares about descriptions but kinda cool still because if anyone does, they’ll come across this and this is like my private message to them so we’re kinda like pen pals**
**enjoy the show**