2:44 Mars Polar Ice Caps
3:23 Billy Currington “Good Directions”
4:56 2nd Largest City
5:53 Benzomatic VS. Bernzomatic
7:42 Civil War Deaths
8:50 Shortest verse in the Bible
13:05 New Forrest Gump Mandela Effect
14:14 Mr. Rogers neighborhood logo Mandela Effect
18:28 British Pound Sign
19:36 Courage the cowardly Dog
20:54 Catch/stop the pigeon
21:21 Oldest soda
22:31 Kidney/Heart
27:22 Sweet dreams (song)
28:21 Bucket List
30:43 popsicles
32:07 McGriff The crime dog
34:34 McGriff The crime dog anti Police
37:25 Cat fish phrase
37:53 Yosemite Sam (Looney Toons)
40:20 The Last action hero
41:11 Despicable me 3
42:18 Bruce Lee’s Death
43:22 Nintendo entertainment system
45:67 Johnnie Walker
45:35 Macarena Dance (skips a little but will pass)
48:05 Music Band Names Change
48:48 Dumb and Dumber
49:38 Knight Rider Kitt
51:16 Michael Jackson “Bad”