Okay so a few things I’ve noticed, Much of the Temple of Baal Returned, as Well as the Entire Hagia Sophia which was Utterly destroyed many centuries ago…, I also saw some footage from , sorry I’m half asleep but it looks like part okay um most of the Temple of Amon Zues came back and around there was where the Oracle of Delphi Drucila among others used to give prophecy… , I think I saw some other pagan temples return too, maybe I should do some more research to see what all has returned.., So the Mandela effect here is that a whole bunch of ancient Pagan temples that were completely destroyed many destroyed over a thousand years ago, Have Returned either in part or in full…, where as before they were less than rubble they were basically scorched earth totally destroyed long time ago.. Not anymore though.. Go on now … Keep saying how the Mandela effect changes are a nice positive thing from God, while all of the temples of the Pagans and Satanists are returning to earth and Moses grows horns and the Wolf lies down with the Lamb…
yeah there’s more, much more of the temple of zeus is still standing then it was before but the statue is still gone, seems eerily similar to the Lincoln memorial however…
I bet there’s a bunch more, ooh I should check to see if the temple at Meggido is back… that would be interesting considering the times…
if I could get some good video editing software and learn how to use it correctly, I have a feeling I could put together at least an hour or more of video showing clearly that the Ancient Pagan world is being returned, Not just in secret but fairly openly and in many ways seemingly supernaturally, while simultaneously The words of the bible are being corrupted and figures from the Bible moses statue for instance having horns.., let’s not forget the Cremation of Care, and the Burning man rituals which are essentially the Wicker man.., nor lest we forget what goes on each year at Stone Henge and in groves all over the world, nor should we forget that they erected archways to the temple of Baal in Major Cities around the world including London and NYC , nor should we forget the Recent display of the Moloch Statue at the Roman Colloseum , and the list of such things goes on and on and on….
So I say to you… Look and See who it is that the leaders of this world Serve.